Category Archives: Bios
Maria Mercado
Started M.S. program in 2021 Working on several research projects related to moment connections, concrete on metal deck slabs, and modular steel floor systems.
Omar Al-Masarani
Started Ph.D. program in 2022 Investigating modular steel floor systems and floor systems with composite beams
Omkar Tawade
Started M.S. Program in 2021 Working on a project to determine design procedures for composite steel beams with concrete-filled steel deck using deck that is deeper than 3 in.
Hunter Hutton
M.S. Student started in 2021 Working on project to investigate retrofit of reinforced concrete diaphragms using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) Co-Adivsed with Dr. Eric Jacques
Pratiksha Dhakal
PhD Student starting in 2021 Working on a project investigating retrofit of reinforced concrete diaphragms using fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) Co-Adivsed with Dr. Eric Jacques
Edward Gil
BS in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering from George Mason University Research project: Computational Modeling of Glass Curtain Wall Systems to Support Fragility Curve Development With the increased push towards performance-based design, there is a need to understand and create more … Continue reading
Raul Avellaneda
BS in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech Research Project: Cyclic Testing of Cantilever Composite Diaphragms The primary objective of this study is to expand our understanding of the seismic performance of concrete-filled composite diaphragms constructed using modern construction practices.
Mahyar Zarat-Basir
BS from Virginia Tech Research Project: Improved Fracture Resistance of a Twelve Bolt Extended End-Plate Moment Connection The primary objective of this study is to figure out the detailing required to make the 12 bolt extended stiffened/unstiffened connection ductile enough … Continue reading
Gengrui Wei
BS from Tongji University MS from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Research Project: Computational Study of Tension Field Action in Metal Building Gable Frame Panel Zones Gable metal frames are popular, cost-efficient structural systems for commercial and industrial buildings. The … Continue reading
Hyeeun Kong
BS from Hanyang University Research Project: Design of Fixed-Base Hollow Structural Sections Subjected to Large Seismic Drift