Author Archives: matteatherton
CEE 5470 Intermediate Steel Design
This course builds on the knowledge gained in a previous course in structural steel design which covered analysis and design of individual steel elements (e.g. tension members, beams, columns, etc.). This course will cover more advanced topics related to steel … Continue reading
Maria Mercado
Started M.S. program in 2021 Working on several research projects related to moment connections, concrete on metal deck slabs, and modular steel floor systems.
Omar Al-Masarani
Started Ph.D. program in 2022 Investigating modular steel floor systems and floor systems with composite beams
Omkar Tawade
Started M.S. Program in 2021 Working on a project to determine design procedures for composite steel beams with concrete-filled steel deck using deck that is deeper than 3 in.
Hunter Hutton
M.S. Student started in 2021 Working on project to investigate retrofit of reinforced concrete diaphragms using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) Co-Adivsed with Dr. Eric Jacques
Pratiksha Dhakal
PhD Student starting in 2021 Working on a project investigating retrofit of reinforced concrete diaphragms using fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) Co-Adivsed with Dr. Eric Jacques
Edward Gil
BS in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering from George Mason University Research project: Computational Modeling of Glass Curtain Wall Systems to Support Fragility Curve Development With the increased push towards performance-based design, there is a need to understand and create more … Continue reading
Raul Avellaneda
BS in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech Research Project: Cyclic Testing of Cantilever Composite Diaphragms The primary objective of this study is to expand our understanding of the seismic performance of concrete-filled composite diaphragms constructed using modern construction practices.
Mahyar Zarat-Basir
BS from Virginia Tech Research Project: Improved Fracture Resistance of a Twelve Bolt Extended End-Plate Moment Connection The primary objective of this study is to figure out the detailing required to make the 12 bolt extended stiffened/unstiffened connection ductile enough … Continue reading
Gengrui Wei
BS from Tongji University MS from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Research Project: Computational Study of Tension Field Action in Metal Building Gable Frame Panel Zones Gable metal frames are popular, cost-efficient structural systems for commercial and industrial buildings. The … Continue reading