Sep 2013
Robo Geckos Lego League Team Visits
The Robo Geckos Lego League is designing a system to resist a natural disasters this year. It is a challenging problem to say the least, but this group of 10-13 year olds is up to the task. They stopped by Patton hall on Sept. 5, 2013 for a demonstration on how structural engineers design buildings to resist earthquakes. They built buildings with rigid, brittle, and ductile joints and found that buildings with ductile joints are economical and can undergo large inelastic displacements without falling down. Thanks for coming by and good luck this year with your challenge!
More News:
- Eatherton receives ASCE Moisseiff Award
- Research Group Dinner
- Research Group Lunch to Celebrate End of the Semester
- Ecuador Earthquake Reconnaissance
- Eatherton Receives AISC Early Faculty Award
- Eatherton Receives the NSF CAREER Award
- Group Celebrates the Start of the Semester
- Toru Takeuchi and Ryota Matsui Visit from Tokyo Tech
- NSF Project Funded to Study Self-Centering Moment Frames
- Group Celebrates the Start of a New Academic Year
- Eatherton Receives AISC Milek Faculty Fellowship
- Magnitude 5.8 Earthquake Strikes Virginia
- Scott Darling Wins the AISC Education Foundation Fellowship
- C-Tech^2 Summer Camp
- Kids Tech University